How do I subscribe to Haverford Broadcast Lists?

Haverford has several moderated broadcast lists for reaching the college community in an emergency:

These lists should only be used in the event of an emergency.

The moderator password for the broadcast lists is kept on file by IITS, Campus Safety, and College Communications. Contact your department head or IT Service Desk if you have forgotten the moderator password.

Guidelines for Use and Moderation

Hc-staff-broadcast List

All non-emergency announcements should be sent via the Daily Digest.

For the hc-staff-broadcast list, Communications will generally moderate postings to this list before they are sent out. In the event of an emergency or if Communications is unavailable to moderate a posting, Campus Safety or IITS staff members may also moderate this list. If a non-emergency message is sent to hc-staff-broadcast, the sender will receive a message (via auto-responder) asking them to submit their message to the Daily Digest.

Hc-faculty-broadcast List

All non-emergency announcements should be sent to

For the hc-faculty-broadcast list, Communications will generally moderate postings to this list before they are sent out. In the event of an emergency or if Communications is unavailable to moderate a posting, Campus Safety or IITS staff members may also moderate this list. If a non-emergency message is sent to hc-faculty-broadcast, the sender will receive a message (via auto-responder) asking them to resend their message to

Hc-students-broadcast List

All non-emergency announcements (ie. IITS announcements, event announcements, and new course offerings) for the student body should be sent to Students Council makes every effort to moderate messages sent to their list in a timely manner. Messages that are not time-sensitive may be placed in a weekly digest rather than being sent out as an individual email.

The SC co-presidents and co-secretaries are moderators on the hc-student-broadcast list. They are only observing to prevent duplicate messages going to the student body.

If a non-emergency message is sent to hc-students-broadcast, the sender will receive a message (via auto-responder) asking them to resend their message to

Moderation of hc-student-broadcast still lies primarily with Communications, with the rest of the moderators assisting if Communications is unavailable.

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Article ID: 2773
Thu 1/27/22 12:07 PM
Fri 11/18/22 11:14 AM