Moodle Roster Report


Moodle has photos of most students, although they may opt to change or remove their Moodle photos. While you can get a photo roster of your class via the Moodle participants list, the Moodle Roster Report will help you learn student names, and also generate a printout of your photo roster.

Access the Roster Report

You will find the Roster Report in your Course Administration Block.

  1. Find and open the desired Moodle course shell.
  2. Select the Reports menu located under your course name and then choose Roster.
    Illustration showing where to find Roster Report
  3. You should now see the roster report.
    illustration of roster report, default view

Roster Report Options

You have a few simple, but useful options with the Roster Report.

Learning mode off

By default, you will see all photos of your students, with their names under the photo.

Roster report with learning mode off, showing participant names

Learning mode on

Turn Learning mode on, and you will see faces without the names.

roster report with learning mode on, student names are hidden

Get a Printout

You can easily get a printout of your photo roster. However, the default format is often sized wrong for printouts. Select the Display mode Printable to get a format that looks good on paper.

roster report, print mode



Article ID: 6877
Tue 6/21/22 2:12 PM
Tue 5/30/23 3:48 PM