Moodle Basics

Many Haverford College academic courses, committees, student groups, and other organizations use Moodle to share materials, discuss ideas, and collaborate on projects. Moodle can also be used to administer assignments, quizzes, and other types of assessments.

About Haverford’s Moodle Servers

Haverford has several different Moodle systems. The main system,, has academic courses for the current academic year. We have an additional Moodle system,, that houses sites for departments, student groups, searches, and other adhoc groups.

Access to older academic courses are available for reference only from our Moodle archive servers, accessible from the menu bar at the top of the Moodle window .

Log into Haverford’s Moodle Servers

Anyone with a Haverford or Bryn Mawr email address can log into and

Swarthmore students and others that are formally enrolled in Haverford courses are emailed account credentials on our Moodle systems once their registrations are processed.

  1. Go to or
  2. Click on the log in link in the upper right corner.
    illustration of Moodle log in link
  3. Select your college.
    Illustration showing where to select your college
  4. Enter your username and email password.

Special instruction for non-Haverford/Bryn Mawr Moodle users

Swarthmore College users and others participating in courses at Haverford, but not members of the Haverford or Bryn Mawr communities, should get an email with account information once they are formally registered in a course.

We cannot typically allow access for off-campus users who are not formally enrolled in a course. However, if you teach a course on the Moodle system and need to grant access to somebody that does not already have a Moodle account, email

Your Moodle Home Page

Once in the system, you will see your courses in the main area and some menus on the side of the screen. This is your Moodle home page, with your own courses listed. If you are a student, you will only see those courses that faculty members have made available for you to view.

If you teach courses, or support faculty that teach courses, you will all courses that have been assigned to you. By default, courses are NOT invisible. Faculty must make a course visible for students to see it. Students will only see courses that faculty have made visible.


Log out

Since Moodle contains personal information, including grades, be sure to log out when you are not using the system. To log out, click on your profile menu in the upper-right to get a drop-down menu. Click the Log out link.

illustration of Moodle logout link


Contact our IT Service Desk for additional help.

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Tue 6/21/22 4:54 PM
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