Haverford College is a member of the Eduroam Consortium. This partnership comes with two key benefits:
- As a member of the Haverford Community, you can easily use the wireless network at other member institutions by using your Haverford username and password to log on.
- Visitors from other member institutions can easily use our wireless network, and log on with their home institution username and password.
Eduroam is a consortium that began in Europe in 2003 and has spread to academic institutions in 54 countries worldwide. A list of US and International Eduroam-participating institutions is available on the Eduroam website.
Haverford community members can use Eduroam on campus
The Eduroam network gives Haverford users access to all internal resources (like Storage and the Quaker domain). Use your full Haverford email address including the as your username, along with your Haverford password.
For Android Users (for Android phones and tablets)
The most current version of the Android OS requires some new settings which are below:
- EAP method: PEAP
- Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
- CA certificate: Use System certificates
- Online certificate Status: Do Not Validate
- Domain:
- Identity: Full Haverford email address
- Anonymous identity: Leave blank
- Password: Current password used for Haverford email
For Chromebook Users
- Select the network icon in the lower-right corner of your screen.
- Select Other Wi-Fi network…
- Check the box at the bottom of the screen then select the Connect button.
- SSID: eduroam
- EAP Method: PEAP
- Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPv2
- Click Connect and you’re done!
For Kindle Users
- From the main screen on the Kindle click the Gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
- Tap on the “More…” icon.
- Tap on the “Wireless Network” option.
- Tap on the “Add a Network” option.
- On the page that opens, enter the following information:
- Under “Security” choose the WPA2 EAP option.
- Under “Network SSID” enter Eduroam
- Under “Identity” enter your full e-mail address. For example, John Smith would enter
- Under “Password” enter your Haverford password.
- Tap on the “Save” icon.
Connecting at an Eduroam School
Once you join the Eduroam network at Haverford on a device, that device should work seamlessly at other Eduroam participating institutions.
Every Eduroam institution has a wireless network (called an SSID) called eduroam (all lower case). When you see the eduroam SSID, simply connect to it. If prompted to enter a username and password, use your full Haverford e-mail address as the username and your Haverford password.
Eduroam networks are secure
The Eduroam consortium has very high security standards. All data that moves across an eduroam network is encrypted end-to-end using technology called 802.1x. Someone with special snooping tools would see nothing more than a jumble.
Visitors from Eduroam schools can connect at Haverford
Likewise, here at Haverford we have an SSID called eduroam. Visitors from participating schools (including Bryn Mawr College, Swarthmore College and University of Pennsylvania) can use their e-mail address and password to connect. Those who are adept at configuring their own devices can connect to the eduroam network directly.
Haverford-Guest Network
Guests: If you are a guest to campus, please follow the instructions for connecting to Haverford-Guest.
Tri-Co Community Members and Members of Eduroam Participating Organizations: Be sure to properly prepare your computer before attempting to connect to our secure network by following the directives below:
- Anti-Virus: You must have updated anti-virus software actively running before connecting to our secure network.
- Update Your Computer’s OS:
- If you have a Mac, be sure to check for OS updates using the instructions here Mac OS updates
- If you have a PC be sure you run Windows Update to install all important updates.
Having trouble?
If you’re having trouble connecting for the first time, please contact Service Desk.
If your had been previously connected with your Mac, but find that you no longer can connect, please see our Wireless Help Guide.